Whose Going to H20

i wanna leave thurs at noon, i think pete is gonna leave at the same time. nick said you guys prob wont leave till later after delucia gets out of class.

Ohhhh, yeah I didn’t know you guys were leaving earlier. Yeah I believe we’re leaving after Delucia is done schoolin’ it up.

word, its a 7 hour drive give or take, if we leave at noon well get there at a reasonable time, leaving at 3 your gonna hit the city/jerz just in time for rush hour.

Yeah good call, may not be thatttt bad heading South though. Damn, yeah leaving at 3PM could go either way, we could justtt hit rush hour, or just miss it. Leaving at Noonish, you guys should be there by dark.

i try to stay away from the city when ever possible, esp that time of day. chances are it will SUCK. we should get there by 8 at the latest

I get out of class at 1. So that would be preferable to leave at that time.

We may take a secret sneaky route to avoid traffiks

when and where again? how big of a show? where u all staying?

Same here. It’s sekret tho

Bill Magees Rado was a top gawg last year yo!!!

bill, little advice, kill the fucking wheels!!!

The shows huge apparently. We are going to find a hotel today hopefully

Find a hotel now!

sea hawk, mad cheap looks nice too, theres 7 or 8 other people from vortex staying there too

ok thats fine well leave right at one

Going to Nicks when I am done mowing lawns to figure shit out

Ok let me know

When you out of school sack face



yo is anybody leaving friday? id be good to go at like 1130 and ill drive if anybody else wants to hop in…id be heading back on sunday tho for classes on monday… lemme know