Whose Going to H20

Matt yanked some from Nick last night

this just in: im off monday, so the mad dash home sunday night, can be slowed to a comfortable pace

thursday - ??? DIBS on bed year 2

word, votblindub might come up missing…:ninja

Dibs on bed also, preferably not with k20vtekYO. Last year he had trouble keeping his pants on

I already called dibs on a bed as did Nick

yeah man, i know me and nick dibs’d… so its done, me nick sean and chris are dibs on best space

If we also have sully and Joey in our room for 3 nights divided 6 ways will be CHEAP

yeah last year wasnt bad, sully calls dibs on the AC unit again.:lol

Joey is sleeping in the tub I heard

face down?

Most likely

yup, im a re-re.

no you ASSHOLE i was just being nice and was wondering how much lettuce you wanted. ungrateful piece of shit.

:eek3 WAT :ohnoes

sean/brett/nick/ slugs, where u guys stayin???

hey vot im gonna get so fucked up, can i ride in the back of the a6 and hang out the sunroof and yell?

fuck that then who’s driving my drunk ass around? im going to start pre-gaming this weekend, i plan on being wasted for 2+ weeks straight. should be a good time.


Ill know where we are staying later on when Nick gets out of work and we book this shit


who is riding with me, i have 1 seat. sean, chris or k20. if its not one of you, the seat is filled by my backpack
