there isn’t enough people that wanna see the bands u like. pittsburgh is full of pieces of garbage that love garbage.
MAIN POINT. Bands don’t wanna pay the entertainment tax in the area specifically pittsburgh, thats why starlake was built, and its all out in the cut and an open venue that no one wants to play there.
ya we really dont get any good shows anymore. its weird. it seemed like we always used to. hatebreed is awesome by the way.
Mr. Smalls is picking up some decent shows here and there, but nothing compared to years ago in Pittsburgh (Laga, Metropol, Graffiti, etc.).
and weather, there snow storms suck ass
me, capn chaos, and sailor went to one of the last shows at laga, pennywise/ guttermouth we were sitting there drinking with guttermouth before the show cool as hell then fletcher from pw said that they are turning this place into an apartment or something for he yuppies ,i support you all throwing bricks throw the windows once it is done crowd went nuts, but where else can you sit down with band and drink beer…
Laga was a death trap. After Great White burnt that place down they shut down Laga, for good reason. I miss it too. Metropol was nice too. Oh well PGH sucks, drive to Ohio if you really wanna hear hatebreed scream.
that seems like what Im gonna have to do
I used to go to shows at least 1-2 times a month at laga, now im lucky if a band I like comes 1-2 times a year to pittsburgh. Im going to cleveland on the 25th to go see Thrice and The Bled which is the closest the tour is coming to pittsburgh.