Why VW/Audi is quality


Just watch

sub’d for when I have to shit later on

very similar to what goes on in my garage.


I’ll report back when the video has been watched to it’s fullest extent.

Wow, that’s sooo sweet.
The technology in that factory is crazy!

has anyone seen the discovery channel special on the ferrari factory? sooooooo cool. it’s REDICULOUS the level of perfection they acheive.

it was also voted the #2 best place to work in southern italy or something

yes they have trees and what not to help control the humidty level. they compare ferraris factory to the Corvette plant.

My good friend Nick went there when his grandfather ordered his F430 2 years ago and took some pictures and what not. Said it was one of the coolest places he’s ever been to. He said he is going to be going back when his grandfather orders his 599 GTB Fiorano.
The F430 now shares the garage with a new Chevrolet product, go figure :lmao

yeah i watched that show with my grandpa and he has soooooo much respect for ferrari’s now :lol

That is prolly one of the safest places to work too. simply awesome

geesh, with all that you would think they could put a wheel bearing in a car that stays together for more than 80k miles

most people pay the dealer to do work. engineered to fail = $

That is one crazy factory

that shit is nuts, makes other manufacturing shops just look like a grease monkeys shop lol