Wide band/ Manual boost controller

My spelling is horrible
I’m looking for a wide band and or a boost controller.
I will need both eventually. more the boost controller so I can turn it down intill I know what im running

STM was peddling AEM UEGOs for pretty cheap not long ago. If thats too much, look into the JAW Diy kit.

You can make Dawes MBC for about $10 or grab something from Inn-Tune.

i just got my wideband from swerve for 207$

Sweet I was expecting like $400 lol
I dont want a home made MBC

Trust made a good VVBC and many still available used. Pricing roughly 125-140 USD shipped. Little pricy but this is a solid little unit.

PM if this will suit you.


i have a brand new turbo xs mbc. give it to u for 60