Wii HELP..

so i sold my Wii and i need to reset it … so all the names and such come off … i need it to be new

does anyone know how to do this?


open browser, type in www.google.com, type in your question, get answer.


on topic, is the reason for the same reason i would need to, all of the mii’s you made are racist, offensive or otherwise embarassing?

on topic no i sold the wii and want it to be like new

actually thats a good thing to know, if i ever sell mine id like to do that too.

no, he sold it as new in box… got to repackage it and make sure it is formatted :wink:

no i sold it as used they know its used… but i dont want all the junk on there like the pic and the Mii’s and all the mail

but im a repack engineer and will make it look like new

Oh, I know I was just playing. I would want to clean mine out too.

no shit Wiichat.com <~~~ yea its forum

so sounds like that will work