Window Tint Anyone?

Not sure if this is the right place to post this… sorry mods if it isnt, but my brother and I are thinking about getting our windows done. Would anybody else be interested and maybe we can get a discounted price (more people, lesser the price) from a reputable company around here?? Just seeing if theres any interest, if there is then we can go forward and try to set something up.

forum sponsor Rainbow glass tinting


forum sponsor Rainbow glass tinting


That could work

There is a place off Main I think near transit. By an old car wash. I know ILC_Is_Dead’s brother had them done there and they turned out really nice and I know a few other people that got them done too. Shoot him a PM.

Matt just go to Rainbow. They did mine and they are perfect. They charged me less a sickly good price for all 5 windows. Was in the $80 range.

yup rainbow is the last place i ever went, but the vette ain’t getting no tints so i’m outts the purchase