Windows XP SP2

OMG… 8 hours to backup this computer. WTF?

How important is a backup for my computer before I do this? Is there really a huge risk of losing everything?

no need to backup… mainly because i’m sure you’re backing up to the local disk :kekegay:

just run it…

the benefit of getting it on cd is not having to wait to download the 200 mg


good luck

could always back up to floppy disks :wink:

I’ve only had it go bad once (out of at least 500 machines), but it did not touch any of the data on the drive, only the os files. I had to uninstall sp2 (I don’t remember what all I did since the machine did not boot, but I think booted from a cd and ran commands from a text file in the winnnt folder) apply some patch that should have already been applied from our SUS server but some how never got installed and then reapply sp2.

It shouldn’t do anything to your data, but it’s a very slim possibility that you might need to yank the drive out and put it in another machine to recover the data if things go very, very wrong.

What are you backing it up to?

I was backing it up to the hard-drive, then was going to burn it to a CD, but at 18GB that’s pretty impossible to do.

We have current backups of all the files, it’s just a bit PITA to get to them if needed.

The majority of the programs on this computer, I have running on my other one as well (which is SP2). So I am certain that there isn’t any issues with the programs I have.

I think I’m just going to try it, and pray to god that nothing goes wrong.

Doesn’t Windows have some sort of “backwards” thing where you can jump back to a date prior to the system crash?

Yes, but I’ve never had much luck with it. Same with last known good. If you are that concerned with it I can lend you my USB IDE adapter for a couple of days. Pop the hard drive out of your other machine and back your data up to it though a usb port. Just a little easier than actually hooking up the second hard drive in the nonsp2 machine - don’t have to fool around with jumpers and open two cases, etc.


Xp has the restore, but you need to create a restore point on that date. Its in the start > programs >Applications > System > System Restore… in there create a restore point. Save all important data(fuck the programs if you got CDs) to what ever you use and install it. If you save anything to your desktop you will loose it if you restore before it, usualy programs and the stuff on C: is left in tact(aside from system updates and program updates)

I still havent updated my machine to SP2, fuck I havent installed antivirus software on it yet lol. I might, but it I get anouyed with all the warning bullshit. Im sure I can turn it off somewhere, to lazy to look for it.

if you back it up and it fails it’s not like you just restore and it’s working again… so fuck it! … :slight_smile:

if anything, i’d ghost that fucker to a second computer using a crossover adn then if you have issues pull down the image.

taht’s really the only true way to ‘return back to stock’ if sp2 were to corrupt… but yeah, it’s not going to touch your file structure, so no worries.

I have to update it, I don’t have a choice. Right now I have 2 computers at two desks. It was great at first, but now it’s becoming more of a pain than it is worth. So I want to move everything from Desk #2 to Desk #1. Boss won’t let me have TWO towers at one desk, so everything has to move to the computer at desk #1 (he won’t let me switch main computers… he’s a retard sometimes).

The problem is with our Act software. We tried putting the main database on my #1 computer, and we could NOT get the network permissions to allow communication between the other users and this computer. We put it on my #2 computer, worked fine and NOTHING was different, except that computer #2 is SP2, and computer #1 is SP1. The permissions were set exactly the same on both computers, and they wouldn’t work on computer #1.

So now I have to update it… I wish I didn’t have to, that’s why I haven’t done it yet.

isn’t one of them xp home? or was that someone else?

also isn’t this a workgroup?

No, they are both XP Pro.

we have it setup as workgroups, but there is one user per computer, not multiple users accessing one computer.

setting up user accounts for all users on both machines will make permissions negligible.

right, with the same username and password (if any) on each machine… I guess we didn’t really think of that whenever we were having the issues with the permissions.

well, wish me luck, I think I’m going to download it here in a minute… :hs:

good luck :slight_smile:

Success!!! No problems at all (at least none that I’ve encountered yet). :slight_smile:


jenn i wish i would have been on earlier
i have a copy sitting on my server just for cases like yourself!

:rofl: @ Be_Rad

Thanks anyways bobby. :slight_smile: