Windows XP SP2

I need a DOWNLOAD for Windows XP SP2. For some reason, Windows update won’t show it as an update, and I really need it. I can’t wait 4 - 6 weeks for a disk.


I have the CD if you get in a bind.

That makes me download through the Windows update, which SP2 doesn’t show up as an available update for my computer.

Chad, how soon can you get me the disk?

i have the package install.

come get the disc and it’s yours… i can ftp it somewhere… let me know

oooh, yes! How big is the file? then I can tell you which site to FTP it to!

ftp would prob be easiest. i dunno where will you be tongiht Jen? I’ll be out around McKnight for Be_rads party at the bar. i dunno if you guys wanted to come out and i could bring it

I’ll be @ Johnny Carino’s. I was hoping to get it today though because I need it at work, and I leave here at five.

o. well scratch that then

please ftp to:
username: ****
password: ****

directory (should default) /ftp/pub/sonny/

Let me know when it’s done!!! I appreciate it!

Nevermind!!! I installed every OTHER update available and now SP2 shows up in the available updates…

Thanks anyways though!

haha… you’re goofy.

you need bits to pull it down.

it’s like 212 meg or some shit.

lemme know if you need any install packaged, i get them all from my sus server.

you’re a little late to the party old man

f SP2.

Just in case you need it again:

If you still want it on cd I’ll be in Monroeville this evening and can drop a cd off for you, just let me know.

I know, but maybe the link will help someone else out. If someone can’t quite figure out how to use windows update, maybe they can try this to get what they need. :blue:

What do you mean if someone “can’t figure out how to use Windows update”??

If that’s the case, they shouldn’t be using a computer!!!

Well I’m running a full backup right now, hopefully it won’t take forever, and then I’ll download SP2. The download is 72MB (or so it says…), but if I end up needing a disk, then I’ll let you know Georg (since you’ll be in monroeville anyways you said).

Yup, fine with me. I work until 5 in Oakland so just let me know before then.


there are lots of people that use computers that really shouldn’t. Which is why I lock my pc’s down here at work and only let the user have the 2-4 programs they need and don’t let them access the internet or even thier own computer.