Windows update question

Keep your smart ass coments to yourself, I know I am old and I am not a computer geek.:slight_smile:

I just purchased a copy of XP Home SP3 and I want to upgrade my computer.
Do I just throw it in and let the Bill Gates magic happen or do I need computer geek knowledge?


What are you running now? If you are not running XP then yes, put it in and select Upgrade from the prompts. Its pretty simple.

I just really hope you arent running Windows XP SP1 and someone conned you into buying a new cd for SP3. :lol:

yes just put it in and it will just ask for the “key” and such

Its easy Mike dont worry

let me know if you dream of Bill Gates tonight

make sure you have a haynes manual close by.

No, I am running 2000 and purchased a full copy of XP with SP3.

I may dream of his money.:slight_smile:

Oh thank god. Lol.

Just put it in even when its running and booted into Windows 2000 and it should ask if you want to update. Upgrading is a simple process and only requires the key off the box for the CD.

Thanks folks.
The Haynes manual will be good for wiping my bum.:mamoru:(That is all they are good for.)

:lol: is this old folks computer day

Don’t upgrade.

Back up your files you need, and then do a reformat and fresh install of XP.

You probably need it as I’m sure you have plenty of Trojans from Big Brother with all of the conspiracy theory sites you frequent…


It reminds me of that Dunkin Donuts radio commerical that is someone calling tech support and its like:

TECH: Hi, can I help you?

CUST: yea, I’m having a problem with my PC.

TECH: No problem, let’s get started with some preliminary information. Is the PC plugged in?

CUST: To what?

TECH: the wall.

CUST: This PC didn’t come with a wall…

TECH: Oh boy…


“Windows XP setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.”


I appreciate my life and what I have but, if you guys knew how many things that I have touched lately that just get f’ed up you would feel at least a little sorry for me.:biglaugh:

I just knew this was going to be way too simple.

FS: Windows XP(Home Fucking Edition) with SP3 included. $90.00 :picard:

just do what walter suggested and backup all your important files and install it from scratch opposed to upgrading

^What about other software on my computer?
This thing is pretty old and I am pretty sure I don’t have the disks or whatever.

you might be SOL

what software do you need?

:lol: old people

Nothing major but like anti-virus, itunes, verizon internet bs, Sony camera, video stuff.
Isn’t Apple a real bitch about “property rights”? I can see it now - "“this ipod does not belong to this computer”.

no it will all move over just fine

^Even with a format and fresh install?!?!?

ahh did not read that…no if you wipe it out you will take everything off it… if you have a ext harddrive pull everything over to it first…

may just want to pick one up anyway…(ext harddrive)