Windows update question

or just redownload everything. what you listed should be readily available on the internet. as for your documents and pictures get a jump drive.

It will, but it is easy to confuse iTunes, make sure you know what you are doing. Backup your music files and libraries… There should be some underage hoodrat on here that would do it for a case of beer or neons for their civic, no?

if you need a EXT harddrive i can bring mine over to the shop for you i have about 20gb free… all I would like in return is for me to drop of a resume

but if you would like and to roads are not shity i can drop it off tomorrow just PM me

I would stick with SP2, a lot of people including myself had problems after installing SP3

When you guys say “back up your files”, does my ipod count as back up or do I need to put my songs on another drive?

I had issues with SP2 back when it was released, but downloading the full installer fixed it. We did a company wide upgrade (about 200 PCs) to SP3 a month back with 0 issues. Plus he is doing a fresh install, not upgrading from SP2. I think he will be ok.

SP3 has been fine for me…Only issue I ran into is with virtualization and xen with SP3

best to be redundant. If you don’t pay attention, and sync w/o the music on your PC, it will “sync” you a nice empty iPod and your music is gone.

Good point.

Sorry I didn’t see this earlier :frowning: I would have told you that the Pro to Home wouldn’t work.

Do you need help getting your computer upgraded while retaining your information? I have done it for several other board members and charge only $40. As long as the computer is in good working condition… :slight_smile:

You will have to reinstall your software (iTunes, Word, Games, etc.) but with ITunes your music will work when the files are copied back, as long as you remember the iTunes user/password…

Word, I can get you that… and I will also look for any other “hey, you should know…” items before doing anything.

^Thanks a lot! I will get back to you when I return from my trip. I did try to do a total install and I couldn’t even do that. It was asking for a disk because I have a scsi hard drive but when I put the disk in and hit enter the drive light came on and then they asked for the disk like nothing was there. What a PITA.

SCSI?!?! Is this a server or a regular computer?

My brother specs out the computers and sometimes he goes a little overboard because we have had failures in the past.