going windows 2000-->XP question

my computer currently runs on windows 2000. If i were to upgrade to windows XP would everything i have saved on my computer be deleted?

the only proper way to install windows xp is to do it as a full install not as an upgrade. yes a copy of xp upgrade can still be installed as full.

nothing on your computer would get deleted unless you told it to format. you should already have an “NTFS” file system, might want to confirm. wouldn’t hurt to back up your stuff on cd/dvd/another hard drive

I believe you’re better off formatting anyway, less problems that way, in that case you obviously would need to back everything up

any 1 have a copy of XP laying around i could borrow?

everyone says format/reinstall, format/reinstall. like it has to be done every 6 months.
my windows pc hasn’t been formatted in like 3 years, no complaints.

well i ment full install, just used “upgrade” since its an improvement over 2000. I’ll have to pick up a free copy at ub then :smiley:

i wasn’t suggesting you would do it that way, just lookin’ out :slight_smile:

good luck in your quest