Reinstall XP without loosing any files

works great, no more need to format when XP takes a shit.

nothing like a fresh reinstall…

been there, dont that…completly by mistake

its blocked at work for me… ( <3 DoD computers)

is this talking about an alternate install of windows and copying the files over and using the second install?

no its talking about a full reinstall via xp cd.
This works great as long as you don’t try to repair SP2 with an SP1 CD. That was ugly.

full reinstall, without loosing anything u had previously on the pc.

And you didnt know about this?

yes its a requirement for taking the xp tests unfortunatly.

wow,thats nice to know.

Thanks for sharing :tup:


Does the link describe how to install XP into a different path name besides C:\WINDOWS ?

That’s awesome… I wish I had known about this before… :lol:

heh, this sure was useful, thanks doods :tup:

older than fucking old.

Google, repair install xp

I used to use this all the time before I got fired.

who the fuck asked u

:word: stfu, very helpful for us noobs

Hey noobie…

yea Im the noob, you fucks didnt even know this existed.

cute photo

thanks for the heads up… should save me some work next time I want to re-install

Just to let you guys know who are planning on using this as a re-install for a possible corrupted system. While it is excellent to use for recovery of system data of a FUBAR’ed machine, it is not a replacement for a full install.

That is to say, if you cant boot your machine cause shits all fucked up, this will help you get the things you need off the machine. But it won’t clear up any virus infections or spyware problems.

It rebuilds the windows install but not from the ground up, the registry (where a lot of spyware hides) its largely untouched.

Nothing is as good as a fresh install of xp, which should prolly be done every year or so, since the installs get really bloated over time.