Reinstall XP without loosing any files

that was pretty much assumed with the

full reinstall, without loosing anything u had previously on the pc.


some inexperienced users will assume that this would rid their computers of viruses. It should be strongly noted that it will not fix virus/adware files. I work at a help desk, dumb users will make assumptions and blame you.

oh yeah… I can see that. I used to work with some help desk ppl and they’ve told me some funny ass stories :smiley:

god I’d hate that job (unless you can have some fun with the people you’re helping lol)

Used to work at a help desk, nothing can every be assumed when dealing with The User.

lol, “The User”

:word: I tryed telling someone that before when I found out that their dad won’t let them do a complete re-install cause’s he’s a tech guy and he’s knows that it’s not good to do that.

I told the person that their dad shouldn’t be an IT guy anymore.


Yea its amazing how many “Tech Guys” just dont know shit anymore. Some of them I cut slack because they work with huge Sun servers and shit like that all day. But we used to have fun with the fucks over at Dell that would pretty much lie their faces off if they didnt know the solution to your problem. Maybe they dont get Google in India.

so wait, ur making fun of tech guys and u were in phone support?

hahah thats funny, since phone support is the lowest of the low.

phone support sucks but at least i know my shit.

btw, im a computer science student and i work for UB cit helpdesk part time while i go to school.

btw, i have to say this, none of the computing opinions i post here, or troubleshooting advice is that of the cit help desk

Yeah, this has been around since the dawn of XP. While it seems handy, I’ve used it before but it never actually fixed anything. If it doesn’t touch the registry, installed software, usernames & passwords, etc then… What the hell does it do?

re-installs system files, like all the ones in ur WINDOWS folder

lol i wasnt referring to you.

i was just chiming in…

have u actually used what i posted, and not the windows recovery?

2 totally different repair tools.

haha, yeah, howie was about to shoot me in the face when he was trying to explainto me that i was trying to use the wrong one :ham:

u guys fuckin jinx’d me, arrrgghhhhh. doing one of these now

Yea I make fun of them cause they had to call in and ask a 19 yr old kid how to fix their machines. and Im allowed to make fun of them since I worked there with a bunch of really smart people and a bunch of really dumb fucks.

see when you have experience you get to talk shit. Thats why I dont start threads in the car forums.

repair install FTW…just went through it, works like a champ for fubar’d xp

So your saying I can’t connect my modem to a cordless phone, and use it as a wireless connection around my house?