fresh windows install but...

i want to do a fresh windows install on my GF’s computer but the computer never came with a recovery CD. and i was wondering if it would work fine if i just borrowed a friends windows xp cd and used that or would i need the recovery cd?

If she has a cd key and its a stand alone copy of windows it should work. You may have to call microsoft and have them activate it again, but thats usually pretty simple as long as you have a valid key.

cool thx

also does anyone know why HP dont give u recovery cd’s i thought that they might have just missed the computer that i was to do a fresh install on but when she bought a new one this july it didnt have one either?!?! do they not like u have it or something

my hp has another petition on the hdd with xp on it

i just reinstalled windows xp home on my old laptop. but i lost my cd key :snky: cn anyone help a brotha out :suckoff:

i hope you have some good knee pads

try these

s/n pm’d

still thave those knee pads? if they don’t work let me know, i have more.

just a general ANY forum policy… usually Key’s are PM’d as oppose to jsut posted…

also… home and pro WILL have different key’s

my bad i’ll edit it and pm them to him.

it’s for home. sp2

fuck home, just install pro