
owns me right now


it owns me every day when i surf the net from the shitter

x2 on my ipaq :hs:

what ipaq do you have??

2215 or something?

on sale from computergeeks.com

yea thats what I have too

plus a 256meg SD card
802.11b CF + 128meg combo card
and Belkin Bluetooth GPS

i heart that device
the NEVO remote controller is sooo badass

do you have alot of apps/games for it??




i wish i had wireless so i could post while on the pooper :mrT:

nevo ownz all… hahahah every day when i go to warner centre to eat lunch i change the channel on the tv … people are like wtf? … i heart nevo, too bad they don’t include it with newer ipaqs…

i have a ambicom wireless card i got on ebay… nice and cheap… i was waiting on ebay for a good bluetooth / CF GPS…

don’t have a ton of apps /games… i did have the arcade pack i’ll try to find… nothing out of hand…

i heart my blackberry 7290 too :hsdance:


$150 for badass bluetooth GPS unit and software

hummmmmmmm pm sent. :blue:

i just got my ipaq 2215 (for work mind you :rofl:) today hahaah it’s chargning