wnyDSM is back online now!!!!!!!

For all of those who’ve missed it sooooo much, it’s back online. The new address is:


As far as I know, everything is still the same, just under a new host.

And a real big thanks to John (Evolution104) for devoting a week’s worth of work to get everything back and running again.

sweeeeeeeeeeet!!! Thanks john, matt and whoever else helped fix the problems :tup: :tup:

:tup: thanks john.

what exactly happened to the old site?

it was hacked somehow, not sure how all that works.

withdrawl sucks.

Hadn’t even noticed it was down :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, it was a tad bit fuxored.

Bump for those of you who still don’t know…

:tup: to john… lots of hard work from him made this happen…

I was wondering why I coldn’t connect…I thought it was my computer

Site can now be accessed using just www.wnydsm.org

Thank you, have a nice day!!!