Congrats… How is Mommy feeling?
x 2 and the kid and her will be living at my house :crying:
thanks…Mommy is doing good. Breastfeeding is killing her more than anything…ouch!
I get to live with the sis, the fiance, the kid, and the parents… :down:
waaaay past due to move out… :eek4dance
Yeah … That sucks for the first couple of days but it gets better. Does she have a tube of “pure lanolin”? Sometimes they give you that at the hospital. It is for severally dry and cracked “skin”.
yeah but Matt used it all on his ass :eek:
Matt you have Nipples… maybe you can Breast Feed?? :rolleyes: :blue:
Eurodad tried it. Babies have a strong grip
:eek4: Thats only legal in West Virgina
if you view in the uploader the two top pics, you’ll see pics of the baby. I cant figure out how to get them on this page
because you suck at teh pittspeed.
uhhh, they did’nt need to know that
HAHA! Sorry no booby milk here!
there we go…pics should work now
She’s so gorgeous. Congrats!!!
Oh God she looks like Matt… hee
dont get her a Lobster belt ok
shes so sweet, i cant wait for you guys to see her. And brad, that lobster belt is your christmas present this year…i’m going to wrap it around your neck and strangle you with it…lol