Wife Had Baby!!!

Hey all my wife had the baby tonight. His name is Zack she had him at jeannette hospital today at 3:16 Pm. He wayed 9 pounds 15 ouces. and he is 21 inches long. My friend customandsound made a post before but when he did they where only fasle contractions this time is the real deal i am a daddy now . i just wanted everyone to know that today was the day i will get some pics up soon of him proble before thursday.


grats man


holly fuck batman! thats a big baby! congrats and i feel bad for your girl man,must have been rough

That is a really big baby… IS Mommy ok?


She had to have a c section or what ever it is called was to big to have natarel

congrats man!!!

yikes and she was probably like a tiny size 3 before she was pregnant … right?

Yea she was small before to. I am proud of her though she is very very scared of any kind of pain but they gave her the epadoral and she whent though with it fine. i stayed in teh room with her the whole time while they where doing the sergery watched the whole thing was kind of cool really lol

Eurodad didn’t do very good on our first one… he was little sick at the beginning buthe pulled thru ok… hahahhaha

congrats…can’t wait to see baby pix.

Congrats…welcome to our newest board member!

congrats & glad everything is ok!




my wife delivered a 10 lb. baby naturally. A couple of pushes and out it came, it was simple. I didn’t feel a thing. :smiley:

get those pics up.

So you’re saying she’s really tight??? :kekegay:

J/k :smiley:

:beer: Congrats on a healthy baby!!!

it’s all about prep work, I must have done well.
