He and his wife (julie) had there first heathy baby @ 21" and 8 lbs and ITS A BOY!
weaddababy itsaboy!
is it the julie im thinking of?
jk congrats
wow got me for a second (my name is zack and my wife is julie and we just had a baby… a year ago lol)
he now lives in carolina and i have no idea what he drives now Jon, Jay, Justin any of you still talk to him?
Yes they do. He had a 350z I believe but I don’t think so anymore.
Yea last i knew he had a 350z but i want to say he sold that, Jon would know best i’m sure he’ll chime in haha
He sold the 350Z and got a Ridgeline…for the kids…
…which are his two huskies
and then he made a baby :tup:
The baby was 6lbs 11oz born on the 6th or 7th I think.