I guess I'm joining the "Daddy" crew!!!!

And I don’t mean Howie’s gang.
Wifey went to the doctor and I guess it official.
Due date is around Jan 26th but is a little early to give a somewhat exact date.
Been with her for 15 yrs and married 13 so I guess it’s about time.
P.S. the ZR1 is still in the future:P

congrats! A kid is much cooler then i ever expected. :tup:

:tup: Congrats!

one shot, one kill? :stuck_out_tongue:

awesome D, congras & best wishes



You will be amazed how fast you transition from not know what you will do
once you have kids, to not knowing what you would do without them.

awesome, congrats!!

congrats! i have an 07 model year.

Good job D!

big congrats!!

Slipped one past the goalie huh, congrads.

Congrats! :tup: :tup:



Congrats man!! Thats awsome!

Congrats D!!!

free pizza for all

good job man…

congrats Derrick!

:tup: so who gets shotty in the zr1? the baby or the misses

matters when he takes delivery of either.
It could be both for a a little while


Congrats D

Thanks all.
Yeah it will be a huge change but I guess the most important part is that all goes well and is healthy.Praying for a boy tho!!!I’ve heard the hockey reference alot in the last few days.

+1. Best decision of my life.
