the one in the brown bikini w. the gold rings in it was deff the hottest out of all of them…
The tampering was done in 07-08
the tampering was done in 07-08
and even now I find that 18 yearold tits seem to point a little more skyward than say 22 yearold tits
Maybe? Mine seemed to have aged well then I guess, because they look exactly the same.
yeah coke affects skin and muscle tissue quite negatively.
Non drug users stay perky into their thirties
pics of said tits? rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
I’m not giving a before and after, you can take my word for it. :lol
for sure
O M F G :facepalm:ohnoes:sHa_rofl::sHa_rofl2::sHa_sidewaysgrin: