World Of Warcraft Funeral.....Epic Ownage

Here’s the story: Some woman that played WoW died in real life. She was one of those addicts who played so much that she had all these online friends. Those friends organized a funeral where they’d all log in and hang out to memorialize her. Someone even logged in with her account so she could be there at the funeral.

The problem? A rival guild decided to ambush the funeral and kill everyone. They started off by sneaking up invisible and killing the dead woman’s character and the guy who was acting as the priest at the funeral. I found it pretty damn funny. Enjoy!

this is soooo old

only like 4 years. doesnt replace how funny it is.

i dont know what i just watched but i lol’d at scatman

you would have to play the game to really understand why it is so funny.

this whole shit is so fucking lame

edit: im feeling the misfits though

ahahahahaahaha thats fuckin great. Sometimes i kinda wish i still played, but then i realize i would never get anything done

Wouldn’t the premise of that site/game be total war? If so I’d say that was a good tactic.

Scatman John <3

next should be a wedding raid