WORLDS LARGEST DISCO roll call November 25th, 2006

The prob with buying one today is 8000 other people already did that… and there is a good chance everything will be gone.

i bought mine in nyc… 100% vintage/authentic.
some 65 yr old gay guy told me i looked hot in it… ill post pics up later.

Off to Salvo! :tup:

good times :wink:

Hahaha when you go to the disco’s home page there’s a picture slideshow and my friends and I are the very first pic. I’m famous!

the guy to the right in the dark shirt in the backroudn resembles Butch

The retard in the red glasses looks a lot like bikerfry.

My fiance’s not in that pic. I wonder where she was…

lol i didn’t see anyone i knew there :slight_smile: jon saw 2 ppl from high school but that’s it… it was fun to dress up hehe