December 27, 2009, 5:48am
who cares? these are obviously multi millionaires im sure they have shops that were not even photographed. Lots of these people prolly have a staff to maintain there millions of dollars in cars.
I dont understand lots of the idiots on here…Dont enjoy the lavish garages and sick cars, hate on them b/c there are not greasy oil spots on the floor and old oil drain pans. Thats like watching mtv cribs and saying that bathroom is stupid theres to many sinks, or that pool is stupid b/c its not oval shaped. Get over it, they have a way better life than us… be happy for them, you all know you wish you lived like these people.
I agree with everything you said except the end, I know some very Rich people who’s lives suck dick. I’ll take my wife and the life I live over theirs ANY day.