worst noob of the year!!!

Cavi Mike
Just Karter

Fo sho

How about whoever gets the most votes on the next more complete “worse noob of 08” poll gets banned?

A little chlorine for the gene pool?

Or are we happy swimming in a green pool?

<------ Psssh nigga please

survivor NYSPEED edition?

pffffft, I’m still lobbying for ban-offs. :gotme:

lol I should update that to worst april '08. :stuck_out_tongue:


EDIT: I find it funny that evanwhitey has time to post about every god damn car he sees around hamburg to try and figure out who it is or if he is even a member on ny. But has not yet found the time to post something on this thread…:snky:


this threads lame… i started it because those 2 ppl listed piss me off the most in the last few days lol

Newman start up a new one with everyone on it and we can just have this thread moved to it

In all honesty, I don’t think evanwhitey should be on the list. I don’t think it’s a genuine account, he’s just a troll or as one person suggested, a cop.

he may not be a noob any more…but i think a special seat should be reserved for CubanCrisis aka Vendetta, aka etc etc etc…

he takes the cake when it comes to suck…and ragging on him never EVER gets old…even after he’s been off the site for some time (or at least we believe he’s not on the site any more…never know with him)

This kid is most definetly not a cop. Ik him. He lives in eden.

evanwhitey is def the biggest noob of the year, but its a quite a toss up between Just karter and cavi mike for the biggest faggot of the year.

Hmmm I dont really know enough about them to base an oppinion :gotme:

i havent even talked to you since friday?

im talking about some of the stupid noob post you make and shit that you say or always chime in on (K Thx):rx3:

im glad you feel sweet on nyspeed :tup:

im confused? is this thread designed to make the listed parties feel the shit?

if so
count me in

is this thread is designed to make the parties involved feel like shit???

if so
count me in

So you didn’t see my post about the little white girl then…

lol everyone who knows me in real life voted me as worst noob, cept brian but he sucks anyways!!!

where is the option for WHO THE FUCK CARES!!