worst noob of the year!!!

It was a toss up between yourself and Fry. I’m still unsure on my decision. lol.

:zong: I’m way worse than Nikuk. :retard:


Is this based on join date? (ex. Feb 2008) Or is it like a sports team ranking 07/08?

If it comes down to a tie, this could be a deciding factor.

Tie? I don’t think anyone is even gonna challenge evan.

14 more votes, theres no way those are the only people who hate me.


Why aren’t I on that list?

because your post dont suck man ass. The real question is, where is Idiablo?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Up to second, fry dosent count, he isnt even a noob.

i bumped the non voted for guy wheeeeeeeeeee

Good question.

Yes they do.

I vote: cky89.


Dang. Krazyjon’s vote carries a lot of weight. :jawdrop:

bump fry’s votes dont count lol haha
i would say the worst n00b would havet to be from 08 but thats just me there are alot of dumb stupid ppl on here tho so its your call

Rotfl speedped voted me!

hahahahaha thanks bro.

no prob man

you suck

I can’t vote for just one