Worst YouTube Videos

Just because you can post vids on YouTube doesn’t mean you have to. It’s like wading through a cesspool.

Example: Do not post crap like this…

yeah, it really is.

the comments are retarded too… “omgwtfbbq, first post” makes baby jesus cry. No one gives a shit about your first post or your opinions

Pretty much anything that can be considered a “video blog” falls under the category of “terrible.”

Someone needs to shoot a weenie yogurt in her eye while she’s describing the accident.

now those are some teeth i’d love to kick


Check them all out. :tup:





i made it through maybe a minute of the vid in the initial post…and now i want to punch spencespeed for my wasted and frustrated time.


reminds me of the thread/poll a while ago asking, “do people that suck KNOW that they suck?”


WHAT THE FUUUUCKK!!! This is annoying as hell!

someone plays too much TF2 :nerd:


Of course you’d be looking at little girls :stuck_out_tongue: I like how she just sits there the whole time with her legs spread wide open.


this guy’s face is AWESOME

also, I can’t believe spencespeed only has 101 posts. i nominate him for best content-to-postcount ratio EVER.

edit: HOLY SHIT at the # of views of some of these videos

/\ wow

just a good fail