wow. found one w/o rust




check A pillar to door meet, check behind the heater box/cowl area, check rear window to deck area, check rear frame rails, check lower quarters,check bumper shocks brackets, check rear floor boards, also inner/lower off the cab of the car and striker bolt area

these are all known roughting spots for G bodys
G bodys love to rust from inside out

yes jeeves we all know.

I guess you didnt hit the link :stick:

not everybody knows about G bodys and their rust issues. best thing to do with a Gbody is buy one new and newer expose it to water or it will crumble

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Gbodys and Mustangs = millions out thier

of course so many bought and so many rusted.

Automatic?! Damn, Chad is now officially domesticated…

Then again they 0probly all made autos but I dont know. Just pullin your chain Chadwick lol. Dont you already have a car that needs to be finished? Better get your priorities straight nucca or I’ll be all over your shit. You best be savin up for that ring to boy, no $$ ofr toys now! hahaha :naughty: :naughty:

Boost / Auto / Rwd = fun

ya all are auto

Maybe you missed the part that said 98 miles and warrenty

ok :eek4dance

didnt read just posting info about rust buckets

I went over to a friends house the other day to find his old man’s gn just sitting in the garage with boxes of shit piled on top of it. :mad:

who would buy a g-body? :dunno:

automatics suck

2 without rust

there were just 2 that went through the auction. One had all kinda hop up parts and he wanted 12k. No rust on either one anywhere.

yea no visible shit, its whats underneath these cars that rust

not me! :moon: