Wow, I can't believe it. Katie is already 19 years old.

Katie was a beck alter ego. a bunch of guys hit on her/send her provacative messages, he was supposed to set them all up to meet “her” at the mall, and film the hillarity of a bunch of 40+ year old guys making an ass out of themselves.

it never happened. wonder why?

oh tell me tell me!

haha I remember this … i’m “her” number 1 wootwoot

This clued me in.

This brought it all together.

thx, I’ll go bitch somewhere else now.

ohhh ya! i remember this now. lol They grow up so fast, cherish the time spent.

Can someone sign into her name or message me back on myspace… I’m looking to get a nut off quick

oh katie katie katie

werent they all supposed to show up with a rose or same colored shirt or something?

Katie: Last Login: 9/25/2007

wow lol I totally forgot about that shit LOL. :tup: good times.

haha i just read some of the comments that myspace got and D-BLOCK is hilarous

Maybe we need to try this again since shes older? maybe nyspeed will follow through this time?

Wow. I forgot about this until I saw the myspace page.

it never happened because I got banned…

not to mention that i’ve lost the password, the email, everything.

haha read her comments lol like the 5th one down i think
Aug 1 2006 9:07 PM

ugh… i can’t beive you were hanging out with newman the other day. I thought i told you about him.

your soo on my shit list.

well fuck, your back now. let make interweb history. we almost had it with the mandi thread and we dropped that ball. maybe we can pull together for once.

We pulled it off a few years ago, ironically with a couple of members on this board (did not know it at the time…) anyway, its fun :tup:
