i have been on myspace for 3 days now...

and it already scares the shit out of me lol. i got this message from this girl

Hi there! This isn’t my profile…just one I’m using to get online. I don’t have an account on here yet, so I’m borrowing a friend’s. When I read your profile today you seemed real cool! I just wanted to say a short hello and see if maybe you wanted to get to know each other a little more… You can send me an email if you want and ask me anything you want.

so i replied just to say hi and i get this email

Hello Jeff! I’m glad that you wrote. I’m Kate, I
forgot to mention it in my message to you on my space.
So, how you doin’? I am fine (in case you are
wodering. lol) I’m just slowly trying to get myself
out of bed. (I’m sooo lazy on my day off, lol)? Today
is my only, “technical” day off.

Anyways. What cha doin? What cha like to do? You know,
the usual 50 questions. lol. As for me, we’re planning
a party next weekend, me and my friends. We do it
about once a month. Hey come and join us! hehe… It
would be fun.

Anyways, my space seemed cool, but I notice how much
time my friend spends on it, and how much time I spent
on it when she showed it to me, and I’m afraid I might
end up wasting away in front of it instead of being
out doing stuff. So I don’t think I’ll post a profile
just yet, I’ll just continue to use my friends if I
need to, hopefully I won’t, ;). (That was her account
that I messaged you from btw, in case you havent
already realized.)

I have my page you can check out,
http://[URL=“http://www.redseahosting.com/katessite”]www.redseahosting.com/katessite so you can see
what I look like, and you can even get to know more
about me. It’s kinda like the artisic side of me.

Let me know if you wanna talk more. And let me know if
you want to come to our party. That would be kinda
cool. All I do is usually work and stay home during
the days, but weekend nights, I’m usually out with my
girl friends. Maybe, if you’d like, we can also meet
up for coffee or drinks or somethin’ when we both get
some free time…?

Anyways, I’m gonna get goin’. I think I’ll get off my
lazy ass now and get my car washed or somethin’. Or
maybe I’ll just soak in the tub for an hour or two.
Either way, write back soon! and take care!

xoxo ~ Kate

is this another of those webcam/porn people? it sure seems like it from her link. man they are annoying

sounds legit to me and i bet she’s super hot. Go for it

Kate = Fattie

EDIT: Nevermind, I checked the link. Probably shouldn’t have done that at work…


thats cute :stuck_out_tongue:


sounds legit to me and i bet she’s super hot. Go for it


LOL…this made me laugh real hard for some reason


Kate = Fattie

EDIT: Nevermind, I checked the link. Probably shouldn’t have done that at work…


the link is fine there is not nudity or anything

It’s fake.

I get that same message all the time.

lol, yeah she’s real. It’s so easy to spot spam on MySpace, all you have to do is look out for people telling you to check out their “other” website for more… errr… wait a minute.

Im pretty sure a dude wrote that to rope you into some porn website. Girls dont message random dudes on myspace, dont flatter yourself.

i would be careful… cause you know who’s on the other side of that convo??

why don’t you have a seat over there and i’ll tell you…



Ive gotten that same exact initial message so many times… I cant believe you actually got a somewhat legit sounding response…

EDIT: saw the link. nevermind.

99% of the hot girls who message you on myspace are spammers.


i would be careful… cause you know who’s on the other side of that convo??

why don’t you have a seat over there and i’ll tell you…



Ya,to prove they’re real you need to ask for pics w/penny.

99% of the girls who message you are just organ thieves trying to sell your liver on the black market.

have any of you ever gotten a message from a REAL girl?

I’ve randomly messaged only maybe 3 guys. Never got a response. And I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t a porn-bot.

Maybe that was my problem…

im suspicious of everyone that i dont know but this one sounded legit lol man i suck at the internet

that is so fake, well not fake, but not legit

It’s a proven fact* that there are really no women on myspace. Just a bunch of porn/virus bots. :tup:

Cited - FuzzyAnalysis ©2007


It’s a proven fact* that there are really no women on myspace. Just a bunch of porn/virus bots. :tup:

Cited - FuzzyAnalysis ©2007


ROFL @ FuzzyAnalysis ©2007