i think im getting set up on MySpace

ok, so this girl set me a friend request with a message that said “hey i think you’re kidna cute”

ok, so i check out her profile, and its private, so all i have is her main picture (REALLY like what i see) and some basics: shes 20, and lives in Amherst.

so i accepted the froned request, and shes basically hot a HELLL and based on what her profile says, shes my kind of girl (NO I DO NOT PICK UP GIRLS ON MYSPACE!!!). so i send back a message saying thanks for the friend request, you’re pretty cute too and mayb we could talk on AIM sometime? i give mer my AIM name and thast that.

then i notice something…she has 10 frinds, and they’re all guys. and they all leave her comments like ‘hey sexy’ ‘omg youre sooo hott i love you’ and all that bullshit. hmmmm… so the other day when i looked at her profile again, she has a coupple girl friends on there, but still, it seems kinda wierd.

so yeah, i think i might be being set up? if its real then thats great, but it seems too good to be tru, cuz as im typing her a message saying shes cute, i can just see soem1 laughing thier ass off somehwere. at first i speculated Beck, but it says shes 20 (and looks it i guess) so that rules Beck out for sure. i dont really wanna post the link though, just in case its real…

say no more, you are being set up

Are you???:gay2:

ummmmmmm, it kinda sounds like you are.

pics or ban.

hot link the pics. and girls with 10 guy friends who leave retarded comments are fake and looking for attention and/or going to spam the shit out of you to buy into those stupid promotions…free ipods/flat screens/imacs/enzos.

if she’s hot and picking up guys on myspace, there’s something wrong. forward her to beck and be done with it.

myspace is blocked at work…i’ll get on that when i get home.

what is myspace?

^^this isnt jeporody

oh ok thanks.



She’s not interested in you.

I would say sounds like a job for Beck, but the age range is totally off the chart.


Its not a setup. Its totally real. Super hot girls go around on myspace ALL THE TIME sending messages to random guys saying they think they’re cute. Thats just how hot girls are. They just do that kind of shit. I get those messages like everyday, cus omg im so hot.

Edit- how many bulletins has she posted so far, linking you to porn websites?

i kno i must be like the new James Dean or something hahahaha. i figured i’d play along for a little bit just for the hell of it.


actually, none. just those stupid survey things.

:word: me too, thats why im on there


haha… dude…u can let ur boner deflate cuz shes fuckin withu