Write a 6 word autobiography

please tell me how i fib

not just that, but adulthood too

heh i’m more adult than you :wink:

but let’s not talk about us.

moar dawn and rotary hate!

Give me my rimjob now bitch.

i hope not or you’ve failed

don’t give up, you’ve just bailed

i’m a swell guy, ask steve

rotories get hot, quite the peeve

i’m not just using 6 words

killing not one but two birds

one bird’s words, one’s a rhyme

thanks for taking your precious time

if it bothers you, im sorry

kids aint mine, just ask maury


did you actually fail high school?

i should have been a poet

don’t deny that you know it

herpes herpes herpes herpes herpes herpes

i hate canada, except for bing

this has quite the nice ring

why im on, i don’t know

when the cathouse is on, HBO

Im only here to fuck people.

me first, and please…no rubber.

In the neon, or the hatch?

D-O-N spells Don but I’m raw

I will not die holding back.

I throw hookers in the trash.


When I am done of course.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

I generally like to live life.

Your definatly not a shit eater!