WTB: - 2/3 Core Alum. Radiator and Electric Fan

87-93 fox body
must be in really good shape
perferably local
if u cannot host the pics please email to [email=“Choda@adelphia.net”]Choda@adelphia.net with a title - Radiator Pics or Electronic Fan Pics.
if u have a high volume fan that you are selling, include pics of the fan or the whole package.

I Need Both A Good Electric Fan and a 2/3 Core Alum. Radiator.

price and pics please

I got a sn95 fan if you’d be interested in it. LMK

go to moxies on indian church in west seneca, they have really good prices and they can whip something custom up for you. tell them a friend of mark menz sent you to them. they will hook you up. mark is my boss and friends with the owner

pm nystanger

thanks mark.

i have a stock fan for one of the 4banger mustangs … '88 miodel i think

ive heard that they are pretty damn good for higher hp applications cause the things are like 3 inches thick

yours if you want it

ele or mech



its one of these … crappy pic of it … found online

one nice thing is it taks zero work to mount, cause it goes rioght to the stock brackets


how much?

PM and email sent

just come get it, bring a pack of camel lights, lol