WTB: 3.9 magnum superchip

ya know, the one that you plug in and claims to give more power. lemme know.

found them online but they are in the mid 400’s, anybody have a used one? i could rent/buy?

I might be wrong, but there are probably a lot of better mods for the money on that motor. That said, it’s not that common of a mod to find I’m not sure if anyone on here would have that.

eh i dont want to do much to it, ive still got a warranty.


a big bump for thius thread, rly want it.


lol gas mileage would blow.


ill look at work for a good price for you tom…

sick, lemme know what you can do, ray at 361 2999

whats it going in btw?


sorry i left the paper at work ive been very busy leavin for the state in less than 2 weeks ill get it to you though

its alright, just seeing if anyone else has any info on them. thank you.

for me there not avaible yet. sorry