WTB: 3 books for HVCC

I have all 3, gimme $20 for em

Penny pincher !

hey all i just need western civ ( hist 100) volume 2. 11th edition just to clarify. thanks.


Mary Jane

Just go buy it somewhere, quit sluggin on here

yea but maybe sum1 haz one for a good deal

lol gotta look for the dealzz

well, seeing as this is how i was able to afford my car, looks like it works no?

anyways bump.

i made it through the class without a book and got a B!

bought it at mary jane books. 70 bucks.

lock it up.

thanks pete

thanks for the statement.

not a problem let me know

alright, good deal man, appreciate it. thanks once again.

good to hear glad you’re doing well


no thanks

thanks anyways