WTB: college textbooks

i’m a poor college student at ECC. recent financial situations have made me even more poor. please help me out.

i need:
Literature Across Cultures 4th edition
Introduction to Business (or Business, a Changing World) 5th edition
Becoming a Master Student, Concise 11th edition
Introduction to Microcomputer Apllications Second Edition

as long as the price is right, i don’t care what the condition is, assuming most of the pages are there.

please let me know as soon as possible. i will come to you to pick these up. if i don’t answer a PM or on here, my cell number is 597-5027.

thanks guys

what class is the “Becoming a Master Student?” sounds really familiar

edit—ah wait, success skills. i have it, but you need to rip shit out of it and what not. sorry to break it to ya, but you’re going to have to buy that one new. good thing is, it’s only like 25 bucks or so.

yea, it’s college success skills. required course for my major (more the lack of it). i figured i’d buy that one new. thanks for checking.

no problem.

i might have the intro to business…but i will have to check

i took intro to business but used a totally different book otherwise i’d give you mine.

e for effort.

please help guys so i can do something with my life.

I have the business one, but I have to use it for my management class at Canisius :frowning:

Get it off Ebay, mine was like $25ish

besides being drunk when you wrote this.


bump for dan.

half.com has all them.

We ordered like two of my gf’s major books on there, and saved like 90 bucks.

admin please close thread.

mommy came through and i feel spoiled. thanks anyway everyone.


but seriously.

ecc and those classes, you really dont need the books… they have all the books on hand at the l;iabary which you can use for free if you really need them… most teachers just lecture and if you take good notes and ask questions your all set.

i see what you are saying, and i thought the same thing, but homework is a major portion of all my grades. i did the library thing. for one, i dont’ have a lot of free time to be hanging out in the library everyday. i do my school work usually at night. also what’s unbelievable…none of those books are in the library. one teacher said she would try to get one in there, but so far no good.

i <3 mom?