WTB: 4" silencer asap!

Im running N/A with a 3" cat back and 3" turbo muffler…i lost my damn silencer booting around and didnt notice when it fell off as im not used to the sound of the new system as its only been on 2 days. I couldnt find it and i need one ASAP! the cars far far far too loud. holding it under 2500 doesnt even help. its a 4" tip dual layer silencer like so http://www.meganracing.com/uploadImage/regular/New%20n1%20III.jpg
I got this from varun so its a megan product. Even something temporary that someone can lend me until i can get another megan silencer threw varun!?!? Im checking out CT tommorow fingers crossed…but they only have the one layer silencer…so ill use it then chean it up and return it when i get the proper one…sh!t i had that sucker on there snug… :frowning: vibrations shake everything apart…thanks guys