WTB: 5 Series Touring Wagon!!!!!!

Looking for 5 Series toruing wagon for ~$2500. PLS HALP!

HI, I’m looking for Unobtainium, I would like to purchase said Unobtainium for free. Let me know what you have. :slight_smile:

E34 tour = :excited

Well, I found a 525 for 1900 from someone in PA at a dealership. Maybe I’ll scoop that up…

Well, $2500 is the Middle ground I guess, lol, but these things are old as fuck and have a ton of miles (but no one has to know they run forever!)

PS: where is said free unobtanium?

Usually where you can only reach with Clank’s help.

He won’t pick up I think I pissed him off…