WTB 88-95 civic hatch

Looking to pick one up. Minimal rust. Have plenty of money for a shell. Motor condition doesnt matter but it needs to be a d-series.


Do it Justin! Get another Si as a beater

WTF wait are you talking to me? or kicklow? My names bobby.

Also crx as well if you have one.

i think kicklow/lance thought that this was a F/S thread lol

I’m talking to Justin

Kicklow has an EF beater and a 99-00 Si. I’m assuming he’s thinking about selling the beater.

alright well lmk im in no hurry.

You have a PM dkid

Buy my hatch.

how much do you want for it? Its basically just a shell right?

pretty sure he’s talking about the yellow boosted one

This gonna be the Auto-X mop?

no, the EP3 is the greatest auto X car EVARRRRRRRRRR :ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh

kramer go get your clutter over to the mk1 mr2 forums where you can dream. Post pics of said hatch

ive got a 98 hatch with 2000 front conversion if your interested, motor and trans are out next to it. i was gonna swap it but dont have time or money new mounts and suspension also, let me know if your interested.

rolls eyes

No built/boosted.Just got it back from synapse today.

this is the yellow one, right?
