WTB 88-95 civic hatch

Yeah the seats are pretty rare. They are a blast a to drive. Seems like red is Honda’s fav color:rofl Hope you get it, we can snap some photo’s:thumbup

Track car as in auto-x I hope. DA/DB’s suck ass for drag racing.

I don’t see why you wouldn’t just wait and spend time looking around for a clean CRX/EF or EG hatch/coupe.

How do DA’s suck for drag racing? I know they don’t get as good traction but what else is there?

uhhhh what else is there that you really need in drag racing other than some good traction? I’m talking street cars here…if you’re not hooking, it’s not shit.
Spinning isn’t winning.

a little power here and there never hurts

uhhh they do hook.
Really? i thought Spin was FTW!?!?! I got it backwards, FUCK!:rofl

:lol no shit, tard!

Yeah, I know…your brothers car hooks real good…13’s with ~400whp! and I yanked it last year with ~260whp…

It had ALOT of problems, found out the next day it had something wrong with the wastegate, cracked manifold, exhaust leak and it was only at 12psi but yeah you did win. yanked? deff not.

haha, excuses. Yes, yanked, because it wasn’t remotely close. Close was my car vs. Latin’s car last year when he was on my rear bumper to ~160+ and my car vs. Stallmer’s turbo GSR coupe when I hung with it.

:lol sure sure. No 160 was on that night. Excuses I am sure I will hear. Rematch this year? 60 to 160?

I don’t understand what you just said, “No 160 was on that night”?
I’ll do a rematch, not going to 160, never again after that one time with Latin.
40-120. $100.

Since he got “yanked” he should be able to choose right? 60-140

That’s not how it goes at all. We’ll do a 40 roll and if I’m ahead by 2+ cars by 120, I’m hitting the brakes just like last time.

Or we can do a dig.

i think a fair race would be a 20-120 or a 40-140.

100mph courtesy here now!


anything change on your brothers setup?

word get it i have a 92 db2 also, aztec green pearl, lksi’s old car, shes a beast and sexy as hell very very minty, lets all get together and take some nice ass pics

I love aztech green:tongue Im down!

You have a built b20vtec right? Im going a different route, i just looked at the car while it was still in new york(dude lives outside of boston). The body is very good on it, he wants 3300 for it with the wheels which i really want(sprint hart cpr’s) so it looks like im gonna be grinding it out at walgreens for a little until this is affordable.

I saw the car though, its definitely what i want. Im loving the body style, their lightweight, and cheap.

There were 3971 US DB2’s and about 900 had leather. The guy I bought the green one from had a red one with leather and a black one. If the leather is in good shape, the interior is worth a lot. Good luck, I like the red ones a lot.