WTB: 90-93 integra

90-93 integra must be manual

prefer running

and 500 or less

Buy Mayo or Rick’s GSR…

$500 or less in running condition? That might be hard to find.

I have a 1990 integra that I might wanna part with… won’t let it go for any less than $2k though.

Good luck

Oh snap that said $500 or less my bad, I thought it said $5000 or less…

found a black one, 5spd, its a 1991 I believe and runs well w/good body.

Its in London, may be still for sale?

Could get it for 500 easy!

I got a mint 93 LS but add a 0

looking for a cheap teg HENCE CHEAP UNDER 500 DOLLA . thx boys

user name on here… “stock240”

he had a 90 or a 91 Integra for sale for like $600-$700 running etc… etc… the body was just rusty

it was posted on VM a while ago. dropped it from like $1000 atleast.

PM him, see if he still has it