wtb: 96-98 civic headlight

98 civic passenger side headlight, must be mint. looking for it quick or ill just order online.

just seen one on craigslist 40 bucks

scratch that last one-thats for just pass light…now if u want both driver and pass light…35 bucks.here ya go
here is the link
and also.another set for 20 bucks in toga.

those headlights are 99-00, this is a 96-98. Thanks tho. And that other set is sold.

ive got both sides that came out of a 97 2 door civic, great shape, $40 for both

as long as there clear and not hazed over ill take them. 7885422 shoot me a text/call anytime.

i have a set of the ion headlights pm me if interested

no thanks i want stock