WTB: 96-98 Front fenders


jumping down the OP’s throat was a bit uncalled for, a simple for what car would have sufficed…


i didn’t jump down his throat. i did simply ask what kind of car he had and the op got derogatory with me and said “read the title. wtb:96-98 fenders,” which obviously didn’t answer the question. then it was my fault for not magically knowing what car he wanted them for. i was curious and politely tried to find out what he needed, and i’m the ass hole.

anyone who actually possessed the product that he was looking for could have guessed what car they were for.

so i was wrong to ask?


lol bobbyg u will fight w/ anyone lol


lol no this thread has stupidity written all over it. arguing with an idiot makes me an ever bigger one.

WOW. Shit happens. Who cares? Its done and over with. A lot of you guys have nothing better to than come on here and post up nothing but nonsense, always jacking on other peoples threads, with stupid comments. Im sorry I did not specify FENDERS for a 96-98 civic. I did not know that Fords or Chevy changed there front fascia those years like Honda did with the 96-98 to 99-00.

Please close this thread cause its just rediculous now

WOW now Im an idiot. Ok buddy. Im hurt now

apparently you are, because i want even talking about you.

holy shit, close this. i wasn’t trying to make a big deal about this. can we grow up for a minute and let this go?

Dude WTF??? How the hell am I suppose to know who is talking about who in here??? It just seems like everyone is going at each other over a stupid honest mistake. Im sorry that I did not post to some peoples standards in here. Maybe I’ll never post on NYspeed again

alright an apology is in affect here. i didnt mean to be a dick, i may or may not get banned for this, but sorry man. congrats on finding your parts, hope they work out for you.
