WTB: 96-98 Front fenders

Just as the title states 96-98 HONDA CIVIC. I dont care what colr as long as they are mint.

for what car?

Read the title

WTB: 96-98 Front fenders

still doesnt make sense jackass 96-98 fenders for what car…im assuming a civic???

^ Yes hes looking for a civic.

that clears everything up. thanks for talking down to me, i deserved it.

i have a complete 2000 front end if you want to upgrade


You have 400+ posts and you still dont know how to accurately describe what youre looking for?

Fukin picard. lol. nicely done ad.

WOW I think most of the people on here know what kind of fucking car I drive you dumb asses. If you see all my other posts its basically for fucking HONDA CIVIC.

Any ways forget it I fucking found some and it figures it would not be from a local

yo dont get mad because YOU made an error

yeah seriously, not everyone worships the ground you walk on buddy.

Duh, b18’s came in civic, and ctr means civic type r, and b obviously mean booyah. or so i would think, lol. Maybe it’s just because i’m a civic owner but i didn’t think it was that big of a deal because i knew what he was talking about. jumping down the OP’s throat was a bit uncalled for, a simple for what car would have sufficed…

so you really do eat paint then huh?

wow, sweet comeback. you really got me.

would you have said your comment to his face?

lol apparently paintchips are a part of your diet, but thats beside the point, im not going argue with you. this thread will be closed soon enough since he found what he wanted. im sure you got my/everyone elses point.

95% of the time, people with user names after their cars, dont own that car anymore.

lol bobbyg u will fight w/ anyone lol