As the title suggests I am looking for a few parts for a 98 Blazer. Its the lighter pewter-ish color but any color will do.
Rear bumper
RH bumper end cap
RH side mirror (manual)
Hood pop cable
These are to help out my uncle. More details here:
You can PM me here.
My e-Mail is s10blazed88 <at> yahoo <dot> com
AIM name is sblazerchevy
I got the hood pop cable.
Anyone have the bumper or mirrors??
Pewter, I know you probably have this stuff!
John we have a Pewter Bumper up here, its not 100%, the one corner has a slight roll…50.00 bucks its yours
Got a pic so I can see how bad it is?
here ya go buddy

u can see in the one pic the right side has a little damage but could very easily be fixed by you john with your skills 
Do you have the end caps too? At least the drivers side?
I’ll check with my Dad and get back to you.
Negative on the End Caps, just the bumper