WTB: 98 Blazer Rear bumper and RH end cap, RH side mirror, hood pop cable

As the title suggests I am looking for a few parts for a 98 Blazer. Its the lighter pewter-ish color but any color will do.

Rear bumper
RH bumper end cap
RH side mirror (manual)
Hood pop cable

These are to help out my uncle. More details here: http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/showthread.php?p=681497

You can PM me here.
My e-Mail is s10blazed88 <at> yahoo <dot> com
AIM name is sblazerchevy


I got the hood pop cable.

Anyone have the bumper or mirrors??

Pewter, I know you probably have this stuff!

John we have a Pewter Bumper up here, its not 100%, the one corner has a slight roll…50.00 bucks its yours

Got a pic so I can see how bad it is?

i’ll have to get one

here ya go buddy





u can see in the one pic the right side has a little damage but could very easily be fixed by you john with your skills :slight_smile:

Do you have the end caps too? At least the drivers side?

I’ll check with my Dad and get back to you.

Negative on the End Caps, just the bumper