i need a speed sensor for an obd1 tranny, i need the bolts that hold the tranny and block together, i need the clutch hardware like the pressure plate bolts and i need oil pan studs. thanks
arp makes a nice set of pressure plate bolts and flywheel bolts im pretty sure jegs sells them.
i got tranny bolts ill pull them tomorrow and you can come get em call me 412-877-3508 names ryan… hell i got all those boltls you can have if i have enough time to pull my trans tomorrow you can get em
I believe I have all the trans bolts and flywheel bolts. If we meet up this weekend for that header remind me to find them.
Any flywheel to crankshaft bolts must be from/for a manual tranny…automatic honda trannys use a thicker headed bolt that is incompatible.
bump really need oil pan studs asap
bump need oil pan studs and nuts for passenger side mount studs and the mounting bracket for the torque mount that attaches to the tranny