wtb b18 oil pan tapped for turbo half size radiator and more..

looking to buy a honda half size radiator eg ek ect…also need a b18 non vtec oil pan tapped for oil return line…b18 turbo manifold…and inner cooler…i have one now but fear it is to big…

why not just have a bung welded in the oil pan you have now, probably easier and cheaper

Well that was my original plan…just figured id give it a shot on here first…

how much for your oil pan? i need a stock pan and might have a tapped one

ill swap ya my stock for your tapped?

id hit up arodracing on here i went to his shop and seen they had some tapped oil pans there idk if they were forsale or not wont hurt to ask

thiis guy… hope you get fucked and your turbo blows after not listening that the dude is no good.

i didnt buy nothing there i just seen the oil pans there i was out that way and wanted to c what they were about so i stopped in