Hi all. Im looking for a bar stool. Nothing too elaborate. Just something similar to the pic. I am really looking for a metal one with a swiveling seat if possible. Its not important if the vinyl or leather or whatever the seat is made of is torn or ripped as long as it’s not too chewed up.
But ya if someone has something laying around let me know what you’d like to get for it, and what kind of shape it’s in.
thank you all in advance.

i may have some but with backs on them. real ugly green color. think i have 4 of them for $20.00. Before i dig them out are u interested?
makin a bar stool racer??
Haha nahh that would be sweet though. I actually need it for work. I’m pretty average in height and sometimes i practically have to hop onto my work bench to get things done right. I had a stool similar to the one in the pic that I could step up on and work comfortably but the dude that owned it decided to be a kid and took it even though he’d probably spend 30’seconds from a full work day on it.
thye sell them at pepboys. we had one for the cripple behind the desk. my obeast boss broke it though
heres a bar stool racer for ya. lol
that thing is sick!! Is that a 500 or 600cc? Cant quite make it out from this angle. Regardless of displacement that thing must haul. LOl Id love to take that out.
honda 600 with 6 speed trany. around 100mph in 3rd