WTB Black Leather Seats

Looking for Black Leather Seats for my S13. Don’t care too much about back seat, it’s probably not staying for long anyway.

Any anyone has anything available, I’ll take 'em so long as they are in good condition.

if you’re looking for stock black leathers… good luck. i’ve only seen one s13 with them (i think it was Dre’s red coupe).

you should be able to find s14 fronts no prob, tho.

^^^ DRE’s Red coupe and my Black Coupe…

And spd-dmn’s black coupe, thats where I saw them and I fell in love.

But ok, I didn’t realize they were rare - I guess I’ll check out any good condition leathers that will bolt in to an s13… thanks for the tip boys…

Mine are grey. Black leather only came factory on S14s afaik.

I apologize… gray is more than acceptable…
